You can decide on your own medical treatment in advance
Would you like to state your wishes in advance regarding your medical treatment if you became seriously ill and were unable to make or communicate your own choices? An Advance Decision, or "Living Will" is a legally binding document which allows you to retain control over future medical decisions. It gives specific details with regard to medical treatment should you be incapable of communicating your wishes. It can request that life sustaining treatment is refused if there is no ongoing quality of life or hope of recovery. It is legally binding as long as, at the time of signature, you: • are deemed mentally capable of making the decisions contained within the Living Will; • understand what will happen in consequence of the Living Will; • make clear what future treatment is requested with regard to medical circumstances that may later arise; • make the Living Will voluntarily and not under the influence of someone else. The Living Will can be as used to specify, for example, that antibiotics be avoided or that tube feeding or resuscitation not be attempted in case of an emergency. |
APS Legal & Associates
9 Valley View Drive Truro Cornwall TR1 3UL freephone: 0800 321 3632 mobile: 07952 200 282 email: [email protected] |